The Konferenz der Schweizer Kantonsarchäologen und Kantonsarchäologinnen KSKA is an association that comprises the heads of the archaeological services of Switzerland and of the Principality of Liechtenstein, the Roman town of Augusta Raurica and the Site et Musée romains d‘Avenches, and the Association “Swiss Archaeology”.

The field of archaeology falls primarily under the remit of the cantonal authorities. Their members represent shared interests, hold seats on federal committees and proactively contribute to important debates.

The cantons are supported in archaeological matters by the federal government. Responsible at a national level is the Baukultur Section of the Federal Office of Culture.

Besides the government bodies, numerous private organisations are also committed to promoting these concerns. The association Swiss Archaeology introduces archaeological themes to various interested parties, offers vocational training courses and currently manages the office of the KSKA.

The Swiss Information Centre for Cultural Heritage Conservation NIKE represents 39 specialist organisations, including a dozen archaeological and archaeology-friendly institutions. Its purpose is to raise awareness of cultural heritage conservation concerns and to interact between the different disciplines.

Current events and links to further organisations are available on the websites listed here.